Alzheimer's Disease

Resources (Alzheimers)

Alzheimer's Disease Resources

Living with Alzheimer's disease can be both emotionally and physically difficult. Understanding your condition and knowing that you are not alone can have a positive impact. Explore the support communities and resources below to help manage life with Alzheimer's disease.

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Shake the Stigma of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms

This video emphasizes the need to shake the stigma around NPS, given that NPS is a medical condition that may be able to be managed.

The Other Symptoms of AD

This video covers the importance of reducing the burden of disease by recognizing NPS as a medical condition that may be able to be managed.

Prioritizing Agitation

Agitation is a set of behaviors that many people with dementia experience. Agitation is common, but there is a lack of scientific consensus about it. This short video explains why there is an urgent need for more education, research, and awareness about agitation in dementia.

Diagnosing Agitation

This short video explains symptoms of agitation and how to look for and gather information about your loved one. The information that you gather can help the doctor better understand what is happening with your loved one. The doctor can then explore solutions and provide the care your loved one may need.

Potential Solutions for Agitation

This short video explains symptoms of agitation, how to recognize triggers for agitation, and some ways to provide peace and comfort for a loved one with agitation. Talking with a doctor may help you understand what options are available to help with the agitation as well.

Understanding Agitation

This short video explains symptoms of agitation and how to recognize the symptoms for yourself and loved ones. If you or a loved one is experiencing agitation, you are not alone. You can talk with the doctor about the options available to you.